Ceramic Filters Molten Aluminum Filtration, CFF Filter

The ceramic filter factory produces foam ceramic filters for filtration solid impurities contained in molten aluminum. By passing the solid-laden aluminum liquid through a porous filter medium that does not pass the solids, the entrained solids are removed from the liquid.

Molten aluminum usually contains entrained solids, which are harmful to the final cast metal product. These entrained solids generally have the following sources.

  1. Some are alumina particles, and the floating oxide layer on the surface sucks them into the liquid stream.
  2. Some of the entrained particles are fragments from the furnace lining, transfer trough and other parts of the molten aluminum processing equipment, which are eroded and entrained in the furnace.
  3. In the flowing aluminum stream, some particles are precipitates of insoluble impurities, such as intermetallic compounds, borides, carbides, or other aluminum compounds (such as chloride).

When these impurities appear in the final cast product after the molten aluminum is solidified, they can cause the ductility of the final product to decrease or the finishing characteristics of the final product to deteriorate.

In order to manufacture aluminum products with acceptable characteristics, such as beverage cans and aircraft fuselage parts, aluminum must be substantially free of inclusions and defects. When aluminum melts at the beginning of the casting process, it becomes full of oxides, borides, salts, and other impurities, which may eventually show up as harmful inclusions in the final product. It is desirable to remove these inclusions before curing the aluminum. This is usually done by ceramic foam filters molten aluminum filtration.

Ceramic Filters Molten Aluminum Filtration

The ceramic filter for foundry has good high temperature performance, the metal liquid will not pollute the alloy, the through-hole rate is high, and it has good filtering and adsorption capabilities. The capacity of oxide inclusions and flux inclusions in the metal solution is obtained. Ceramic filters molten aluminum filtration have good filtering and purification effects, and has excellent strength, thermal shock stability and chemical resistance at high temperatures.

Filter foundries use an aqueous slurry through which ceramic foam materials are impregnated to impregnate foam precursors made of flexible open-cell polymer struts. The subsequent drying and firing of the material produces the final ceramic foam product.

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