Ceramic Fiber Tap Out Cone for Non-Ferrous Metal Casting

The ceramic fiber tap out cone is also called refractory fiber cone, furnace tap out cone, insulation plug, insulation cap. The ceramic fiber plug uses high-quality ceramic fiber cotton as raw material, and adopts a vacuum suction filter molding process. Ceramic fiber is a fibrous light-weight refractory material. It has the advantages of lightweight, high-temperature resistance, good thermal stability, low thermal conductivity, small specific heat, and mechanical vibration resistance. Each tap out cone for non-ferrous metal casting has a flat surface. And more importantly, it has proper hardness and toughness, not fragile or peel off. It is suitable for mechanical or manual operations. Refractory fiber cone is white, it can be made into a special mold according to its shape and size.

Ceramic Fiber Tap Out Cone

Most aluminum melting furnaces or holding furnaces equips with aluminum outlets in the aluminum casting industry. These outlets are sealed with high-temperature resistant ceramic fibers. It is used to block furnaces in aluminum smelting furnaces, stationary furnaces, and other aluminum outlets. It is suitable for aluminum melting furnaces, refining furnaces, stationary furnaces. The tap out cone makes the aluminum and aluminum alloy casting process more convenient and safe. According to its shape and size, AdTech can make special molds for meeting the requirements. According to the performance requirements of the products, AdTech also can adjust the strength and density by changing binders and additives. Good elasticity has better sealing to meet the requirements of customers.

Ceramic Fiber Tap Out Cone

Features of Ceramic Fiber Tap Out Cone

◎ Low shrinkage and low thermal conductivity in the use temperature range.
◎ High thermal insulation and lightweight.
◎ Resistant to wind erosion and spalling, and not corroded by most molten metals.
◎ The physical properties and thermal characteristics are better than or similar to the performance of the corresponding grade fiberboard.
◎ According to the needs of users, the density and strength can be enhanced appropriately.

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