Risk Factors in Aluminum Casting Process | Mechanical Damage

Major risk factors in the aluminum melting and casting workshop

Liquid aluminum explodes when it meets with water, and it is also accompanied by a chain reaction of explosive spray and overflow of liquid aluminum. Very easy to cause serious burns, deaths, and fire accidents. The main loops that are prone to major safety accidents in the production process.

(1) The sealed high-temperature molten aluminum is transported from the electrolysis workshop to the melting and casting workshop and poured into the melting furnace. The moment the bag mouth is opened, there is a danger of high-temperature molten aluminum gushing out and burning the contract workers. It is very easy to explode and hurt people at times; if the crane fails to brake or the steel wire rope breaks during this process, it will cause the lifting bag to fall off, and the large amount of molten aluminum will flow out and cause safety accidents such as injuring people and burning equipment and facilities.

(2) Scrap aluminum ingots, broken aluminum flakes, and other secondary aluminum are prone to explosion accidents when they are added to high-temperature aluminum liquid for secondary melting. The reason is that the scrap is wet and contains moisture; in addition, when adding scrap to the mixing furnace, if the action is too strong, it may cause aluminum liquid splash hurts people.

(3) The process here is likely to cause molten aluminum to splash and burn the operator; the molten aluminum is prone to explode if it encounters moisture on the way through the mold slot; if serious aluminum leakage occurs in the transfer tank, it cannot be handled in time, and the aluminum leakage encounters residue at the bottom of the furnace Or leaking hydraulic oil is prone to fire accidents.

(4) There is also a danger of explosion when gas leaks.

(5) The residual aluminum in the degassing box, filter box and ceramic launder is discharged into the residual aluminum box, and the aluminum liquid is very easy to splash out when the aluminum is placed again, and if the residual aluminum box is not preheated or has moisture, aluminum will occur liquid explosion.

Risk Factors in Aluminum Casting

Risk Factors in Aluminum Casting

Mechanical damage is prone to mechanical damage in the maintenance and production process. Especially in the production of aluminum alloy round ingots and aluminum alloy slabs, due to the large number of intermediate products, long production lines, frequent lifting and transportation, and a large number of cross operations such as cranes, forklifts, and on-site sawing equipment, there are bumps and crushing. Hidden dangers of safety accidents such as injuries and smashes.

During the casting process, there are some high-temperature equipment, media, or objects that can easily cause personal burns, such as high-temperature vacuum ladle, and the gas burner is ignited due to the lack of sealing of the melting furnace door. Fully cooled waste, etc.

Toxic gas melting sometimes uses chlorine or other toxic gas for refining. If these gases leak or fail to react completely, they will be hazardous to humans.

An oxygen-deficient environment is in a low-lying place. If inert gas leaks and gathers, it is easy to create an oxygen-deficient environment, which may cause the risk of hypoxia to the human body.

In some environments where there is a large amount of aluminum alloy dust, high concentration of aluminum alloy dust.

There is a danger of explosion in the event of an open flame.

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